The worst thing about the Republican National
Convention this past week is that it was broadcast. America has plenty
of ridiculous fringe lifestyles, from trekkies to furries to anime
perverts, but you don't see CNN breathlessly reporting on their sad
little rituals.
The Internet Outrage Machine
has been overclocked every day but if there's one thing that actually
deserves special mention it's the Combover Feurher's comments on NATO:
He said the rest of the world would learn to adjust to his approach. “I would prefer to be able to continue” existing agreements, he said, but only if allies stopped taking advantage of what he called an era of American largess that was no longer affordable.
is an outrage among the coastal yuppie enclaves but I've been hearing
the same sentiment from Northern Virginia Republicans since the 1990s.
And that's really what I want to say here - that Trump's comments are
completely in the mainstream of American conservatism.
enough time at Fairfax summer barbecues and the conversation always
turns to how the liberals are destroying America. Not just with all the
sex and hippity-hoppity music, but specifically how Democrats are both
weak on national defense - leaving Us open to Our Enemies, whoever they
are this week - and simultaneously how the Dems are expending American
resources on taking care of ungrateful foreigners. Yes, they do have it
both ways because Virginia Republicans are fucking morons.
merely echoed the second half of their deluded worldview - the
self-flattering assumption that the rest of the world needs to be
policed by America. As opposed as the various State and DOD office drones claimed to be to "nation building" in the Clinton I years, it was
always predicated on the assumption that all those other countries full
of poorer, browner people needed the patrician hand of the US to raise
them out of Third World squalor, to keep their distant streets safe and
to tuck them in at night. And these objections were always couched in a
finger-wagging "Well they should take care of themselves!"
rationalization that never admitted trying to police the world in the
first place was a bad idea.
And not due to ignorance. If anyone in America should have a handle on the realities of geopolitics, it would be just these proto-Trumps carpooling around DC and Arlington. They're educated folks, upper middle class at the least, and hold TS security clearances with the military and intelligence agencies of a nuclear superpower. Yet they still blame immigrants for their problems and take Fox News seriously due to bog-standard American chauvinism.
Really, this latest
turn against NATO is just the logical extension of the 1990s opposition
to all things United Nations. Middle class suburbanites who'd never set foot in
Manhattan spent the '90s bitching and moaning about how much space the
UN offices took up, how much it strained the resources of
poor put upon New York City - which itself was the wretched hive of scum
and villainy for other conservative gripes. Because America is always
the one taking care of everyone while also being under siege from those
same dependents. It's an international variant of the "Water Carriers
versus Water Drinkers" meme of the past eight years.
More to the point, this is not a new sentiment nor a strictly Republican one:
We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.
we know how those same Republicans against nation-building behaved in
the Bush years. All those isolationist principles proved as constant as
wax - much like how all the current Clintonites who marched against the
Iraq War in 2003 have spent the past year celebrating Hillary's own imperial wankery.
Donald Trump's shirking of
NATO duties is not some aberration. It's perfectly in line with
post-Reagen American culture: an opposition to the empire's wars when
the other party is in the White House, mixed with a sanctimonious
narcissism that only Our Side can do what is Right for the whole world.
And all easily reversed as soon as the reins of power change hands.
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Come meet the new boss, same as the old... |